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Jeff Kish
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Certified Wireless Security Professional (CWSP-207) FAQs: Cost, Training, Value

Is CWSP (Wi-Fi Security) worth it?

Although the CWSP (Wi-Fi Security) is a good certification that validates a network administrator's skill and knowledge in securing a network's wireless access points, whether or not it's worth it is up to personal career goals and experience. Be sure to weigh the fact that this is a specialized certification against the job opportunities it opens for you.

How much does the Certified Wireless Security Professional cost?

The CWSP certification from CWNP costs $349.99. The CWSP (Wi-Fi Security) only has one exam, but a valid CWNA is a mandatory prerequisite. Since the CWNA costs $274.99, the total cost to earn the CWNP before any training, courses or preparatory materials is $624.98, making it a relatively expensive investment in validating your wireless administration skills.

Is the CWSP (Wi-Fi Security) difficult?

Once you're familiar with the tools and techniques the CWSP tests for, the exam itself isn't especially difficult. Most people who have earned the CWSP agree that while it's not a particularly challenging exam, it is particular – in other words, the exam tests for a lot of subject and domain-specific knowledge that aren't general knowledge.

Does CWSP expire?

Yes, the CWSP expires three years after you earn it. You can renew your CWSP by either retaking the current CWSP exam or earning the CWNE certification. To renew your CWSP, you must have a current CWNA cert – but your CWNA renews automatically when you earn the CWSP, so you should already have a valid CWNA any time you have a valid CWSP.

How to study for CWSP - Certified Wireless Security Professional?

While some of what you'll be tested on for the CWSP certifying exam is general wireless network security knowledge, the majority of the exam is technical and specific. Review the exam objectives and make a plan to study the specific tools and technologies that the CWSP exam covers or find a course designed specially for passing the CWSP exam.
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